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Your personal guide through the beauty of Riga. Everything you need while travelling to Riga and even more…

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About Us

Welcome to Latvia – the land of inspiration!
Storia Travel is a certified agency that provides tailor-made tours of Riga and Latvian cities.
Our team consists of professional and dedicated guides fluent in Russian, English and Italian.


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Cara Nata, ho avuto un grosso piacere vederti e sentirti oggi.Ti ricordo sempre per la tua grande professionalità e disponibilità verso i turisti. You're the best travel guide I have ever had.Compiments.
Mary Giudici, Milano

As a frequent travelor, both in Europe and China, I have had the experience of enjoying both good, and not so good, tour guides. My idea of a competent tour guide begins with language. As an ...

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